Over the years, the Foundation has funded several initiatives in addition to our grants.
Suzanne Dreher Memorial Scholarship (established 2006)
The Suzanne Dreher Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to two IHS graduates whose hard work and involvement in activities for the betterment of IHS have left a lasting impression. The scholarship was established in honor of Suzanne Dreher, a tireless volunteer for the community she loved and an advocate for all of the young people of the West Irondequoit School District.
Wind Turbine Installation (2011)
The wind turbine in these pictures was installed through the generosity of a grant awarded by the West Irondequoit Foundation to be utilized as a continuous learning device for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) classes. It is located on central campus to the north of the concession stand, near the solar panel-operated pathway light that was recently installed by the IHS technology classes in our outdoor alternative energy classroom area. The wind turbine will be utilized for educational demonstrations for students throughout the district. Students will be exposed to authentic hands-on calculations on system operations, environmental impacts and energy savings. The turbine provides a multitude of learning opportunities for all students in the district and community. Students across the district will have the opportunity to visit and collect data for their classroom studies.
Windows Project (2002-03)
The Foundation sponsored the highly acclaimed Windows Project. Windows, removed during the renovation of Irondequoit High School, were transformed into works of art by local artists. Proceeds from the project earned $77,000 dollars for the Endowment Fund.